“If the law changes, vaccination will be my last option”, explains Stade Français player Waisea Nayacalevu

Waisea Nayacalevu (6 tries this season with Stade Français) is one of the unvaccinated Top 14 players. The Fijian international center could be constrained by the possible introduction of the vaccine pass, under discussions in the National Assembly. “Getting vaccinated is the last option for me”, said the future player of RC Toulon in an interview.

Why not get vaccinated?

It’s my choice. I don’t believe in all this bullshit. All over the world, even if you are vaccinated, you can catch and transmit Covid. So, what’s the point of getting vaccinated? In my family, some are vaccinated. Others, no. Everyone has a choice. It is my personal choice.

Have you had the Covid?

Yes, I got it. Twice. I’m athletic, I’m in good shape, it was just a cold for me. I am in good health and that is the most important.

At the moment, you need to do tests every day …

(he blows) It’s super painful. My nose hurts so much! (laughs) But I got used to it … and I never arrive late for training because of a PCR test!

Isn’t it too frustrating to miss matches, like the one against Connacht in Ireland in the European Cup (36-9 loss)?

Sure. But I have already traveled a lot, it is also okay for me to rest and take advantage of these moments, I have been everywhere! (to smile).

The rules in France will change and you may not be able to play after January 15th. What are you planning to do?

At worst, I would take the vaccine. If the law changes, if the French government validates the vaccination pass, I will have to take it. Otherwise … But getting vaccinated is the last option for me.

Are you worried that Stade Français will end your contract if you can’t play?

I do not know. But it’s not in my contract: I signed a contract as a rugby player, not to get vaccinated. It doesn’t bother me too much. If that were to happen, it would be a sad end to my history with the club. I hope this will not be the case.

You were in the Fijian selection who opposed a pro-vaccine message on the jerseys …

Listen, we believe that the vaccination should not be forced. We do not want to impose anything or that everyone thinks that we are for vaccination. Like I said, it’s a personal choice. It’s not our job as rugby players to push people to get vaccinated. Leave that to politicians or health officials. We are here to play rugby, that’s all.

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