the seductive love parade of flamingos



Article written by

T. Souman, N. Fleury, A. Delabre, F. Forner, E. Gleize – France 3

France Televisions

The France Télévisions teams went to the Camargue, where they attended the courtship parade of pink flamingos. From December to February, the couples form and play a choreography as meticulous as it is poetic.

It’s time for great seduction in Saint-Maries-de-la-Mer (Bouches-du-Rhône), in the Camargue marshes. The flamingos flaunt a bright pink. Courtship has begun here. Unlike many species of birds, all individuals participate. “Among the flamingos, we have large groups that dance at the same time, on very symmetrical movements, and a whole choreography which is very elaborate”, explains Frédéric Lamouroux, director of the ornithological park of Pont de Gau.

The goal of the choreography? Find the right partner to reproduce, the most rosy and the most energetic possible. Once formed, the couple will never leave each other throughout the season, until the little ones take off. The show of seduction attracts many curious people every year. “It’s moving”, says a man. Camouflaged by the water, Pierre Aghetti, professional photographer, tries to capture the magic of dance. The natural and poetic scenes of courtship displays will last until the middle of February, the time that all the pairs are formed.


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