The President of the Republic believes in particular that pro-Palestinian actions at Sciences Po and in many French universities “prevent debate”.
Reading time: 6 min

From the condemnation of pro-Palestinian student blockades to the European election campaign which is in full swing, including his desire to see Kylian Mbappé participate in the Paris 2024 Olympic Games with the French football team, Emmanuel Macron speaks on the hot topics of the moment. In an interview given to Provence And La Tribune Sunday, published on Saturday May 4, the President of the Republic also ruled out any candidacy for the Marseille municipal elections in 2026. In passing, he questions the limitation of two successive presidential mandates, while recalling its constitutionality. Franceinfo summarizes what you need to remember from this presidential interview.
On pro-Palestinian student blockades
The President of the Republic condemns “with the greatest firmness” the blockades at Sciences Po and universities led by pro-Palestinian demonstrators. Actions which, according to him, “prevent debate”.
“I understand very well that what is happening today, particularly in Gaza, is upsetting – France is also calling for an immediate ceasefire – but preventing debate has never helped resolve a conflict .”
Emmanuel Macronin “The Sunday Tribune”
Emmanuel Macron finds “entirely legitimate and even healthy and reassuring that our youth can say that international news affects them and that they debate it”. But “ordering an establishment to have this or that policy by force and blocking, preventing other students from accessing an amphitheater under the pretext that they are Jewish, this is not the Republic”hammers the one who is “favorable” to the evacuation by the police of blocked universities “at the request of establishments”.
The Head of State also denounces a political recovery of these events by the political party of Jean-Luc Mélenchon. “Certain groups, like La France insoumise, considered that this was a relevant way to lead the fight. It is simply counterproductive and unacceptable that in the name of their fights, they prevent the debate”he blurted.
On the European elections
In this interview, Emmanuel Macron also declares that he hopes that Prime Minister Gabriel Attal “commit as much as possible to the campaign” European elections, “by holding debates, meetings, going into the field”. “This is what I asked him, as also of the entire government”, insists the President of the Republic. This call comes just over a month before the election, while the head of the majority list, Valérie Hayer, is struggling in the polls, far behind Jordan Bardella (National Rally) and Raphaël Glucksmann (PS-Place public).
In passing, the President of the Republic attacks the far-right party, leading in voting intentions. “He is high because he does not govern and he says nothing”that he “adapts to the spirit of the moment”, believes Emmanuel Macron. The head of state denounces a party “riddled with inconsistencies”Who “changes face constantly” : “One day Frexit. Another day remaining in the Union”.
“Aggregating anger is never proposing a program or designing a future:”
Emmanuel Macronin “La Tribune Dimanche”
While the National Rally insists that it will request a dissolution if it wins the vote on June 9, Emmanuel Macron does not intend to draw any national conclusions: “It’s the election of European deputies. The conclusion will therefore be first and foremost European”he decides.
On possible institutional reforms
Introduce “a proportional part” in the legislative elections “would be good for democracy”, still believes Emmanuel Macron in this interview. Could he put it in place before the end of his mandate? “If a majority emerges to introduce a proportional element, yes. This is the commitment I made. I think it would be good for democracy”replies the Head of State, who made a promise in 2017.
During the 2022 campaign, the president once again said he was in favor of proportional representation, even opening the door to full proportional representation, with a number of seats proportional to the total votes obtained. The President of the National Assembly, Yaël Braun-Pivet, has also launched consultations on the subject. But the presidential camp is divided: the leader of the Renaissance deputies Sylvain Maillard is against, as is the Minister of Relations with Parliament Marie Lebec. The MoDem’s allies have long campaigned in favor of this voting method.
Emmanuel Macron also mentions limiting the number of successive presidential mandates to two. This rule “is there and I’m not going to change the Constitution”but “if you ask me my personal opinion: I think it’s always better when we leave the choice to the voters”he believes. “I’m not necessarily telling you that I would have liked to be a candidate for a third term”, he continues. The head of state believes, however, that “when we put prohibitions in the law, we somehow capture part of the freedom of voters who are sovereign”.
On his possible candidacy for Marseille
Emmanuel Macron also excludes any candidacy for the 2026 municipal elections. “A rumor is circulating: you could be a candidate for the municipal elections in 2026, even in an ineligible position”asked the journalists. “Some may have looked at this possibility, but I will not be a candidate – for anything”replies the head of state.
In September 2021, the president launched the “Marseille en grand” plan during a visit to the Marseille city, among other things to renovate primary schools and open up poor neighborhoods in the north of the city. To resolve these problems, “all stakeholders must improve the spirit of collaboration, which is not sufficient”judges the president, while the town hall is headed by Benoît Payan (various left) and the metropolis by Martine Vassal (right).
While he announced a strengthening in early January of operations to fight drug trafficking, called “XXL net square”in a city where 49 people were killed in 2023 in wars between drug traffickers, the head of state explains that he wanted “hit very hard on security issues”. “I’m tired of people always talking about this city in a negative way. This city is great”he greets.
On Mbappé’s participation in the Olympics
While Kylian Mbappé’s participation in the Paris 2024 Olympic Games is uncertain, Emmanuel Macron confides that he spoke with the star’s father last week during a gala match organized for the benefit of the Yellow Pieces. “He told me: ‘He wants to do them’. I really hope that all European clubs will give this freedom to their players. I am delighted that all French clubs are doing it and I hope that the others will follow.”, he says to Kylian Mbappé’s future club. The French striker has indeed formalized his departure from PSG and is strongly expected to join Real Madrid for the next season.