This text is part of the special Culture Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean notebook
In a world where the importance of culture is often relegated to the background, volunteers in the Saguenay–Lac–Saint-Jean region are redefining the effects and value of community work by volunteering in various cultural institutions.
Let’s take the example of a library in which a person can work to support a cultural structure by helping to maintain and improve the services offered. Sophie Bolduc, general director of the Réseau Biblio du Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean, which brings together 50 libraries and benefits from the commitment of nearly 300 volunteers, emphasizes that “it is a direct way for volunteers to ensure that the services meet user expectations.”
Volunteering is also a vehicle used to promote literacy and a love of reading, particularly among young people, according to the general director. “Several volunteers, who were not readers in their youth, discover the pleasure of reading and share this passion,” explains Sophie Bolduc.
Strengthen community ties
Sylvie Brassard, responsible for concerts at the Saint-Cyriac chapel in Jonquière, has had commitment close to her heart for several decades, whether in the community or cultural environment. This project was born around fifteen years ago and has the mission of providing a performance space for musicians from the region and a gathering space for the community. “My involvement goes with my values, I believe in the collective project,” declares Sylvie Brassard. The cultural aspect has always been put aside a little, but we see how happy people are that there is a small concert, that there is life, that it is festive. »
For her part, as a member of the board of directors of Culture Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean, Michelle Tremblay, director of the Louis-Hémon museum in Péribonka, sees herself as an ambassador of culture, capable of carrying out this role in various spheres, whether social or political. “When I find myself at events, I can talk about our projects, the needs of the cultural community and make connections with valuable resources,” she adds.
Michelle Tremblay, who has museum expertise as well as management expertise, sees involvement within a board as a way of bringing her know-how to a sector which often has limited resources. “We can offer a diversity of expertise, which is crucial for the development of our cultural community,” she explains.
Constant interactions and exchanges with other cultural institutions such as bookstores, museums and art galleries also allow for creatively addressing and solving common problems. “Our structures are different, but the challenges are the same, which forces us to think outside the box and develop new tools,” says Tremblay.
The challenges of cultural volunteering
Yet this valuable commitment is not without its challenges. The dynamics of volunteering are evolving, as Sophie Bolduc notes. “In the past, volunteers committed for the long term, but today, volunteers tend to favor shorter periods, around four to five years. » This constant turnover poses training and recruitment challenges, requiring continued investment to maintain the vitality of libraries.
Volunteer retention is therefore a significant problem. To deal with this, Sophie Bolduc believes in the importance of municipalities highlighting their contribution, through initiatives such as recognition evenings. “The involvement of local elected officials is also essential, volunteers must feel that the municipality meets their needs,” she expresses.
Beyond the professional contribution, Michelle Tremblay sees her commitment as a form of personal gratification. She regrets that volunteering is not more widespread today, especially when she sees the benefits in terms of recognition and personal satisfaction. “Being involved gives another meaning to our life, a meaning that work alone cannot always bring,” she concludes.
This content was produced by the Special Publications team at Duty, relating to marketing. The writing of the Duty did not take part.