more than 25% of Gardois and Lozériens not vaccinated as of December 26

It is enough to consult the figures of the Health Insurance in this map published on December 26th, to make the accounts. On this date, and if it has been included in the calculations the entire population including adolescents and children, 25.3% of Gardois have still not received even the first injection of vaccine against the coronavirus. In Lozère, it is even more: 26.1%. On average in France, a fifth of the population is not vaccinated. This gives an idea of ​​the number of French people targeted by the President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron, when he declares in the columns of the Parisian to have “very like“,”to piss off“the unvaccinated.

In detail, for the Gard, this gives, outside of 12-17 year olds (68.3% vaccinated), to focus only on adults, this tendency: these are the “25 to 39 years” who are the least vaccinated; 76.6% of them received at least a first injection. Among 18-24 year olds, 81.7% have at least this first dose,

In Lozère, it is rather the 25-39 year olds who have received only one dose (at 75.2%), or nearly a quarter of this age group who has still not received any dose of vaccine against the coronavirus.

In other departments of the South-East, the rate of unvaccinated inhabitants is sometimes even higher, on this date of the last 26: 29.7% for example in Bouches-du-Rhône, 30.8% in Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, or 27.1% in Vaucluse.

source site-38