the deputy of Puy-de-Dôme Michel Fanget threatened with death

The regional councilor and Modem deputy for Puy-de-Dôme said he was shocked. Michel Fanget would have received death threats via several emails.

In the Puy-de-Dôme department, he claims to be the only one to have been the victim of such threats.
I received a first email threatening me with beheading then a second identical with my personal address indicated and a third email, and there the prefect of Puy-de-Dôme encouraged me to file a complaint.

A complaint that will be handled in Paris where all complaints from threatened deputies are recorded.
It inspires me that democracy is going in the wrong direction “ says the deputy.

Threatened with beheading

Michel Fanget is in favor of the vaccine pass voted in the national assembly. “The only weapon we have today to fight this epidemic is the vaccine. Personally, I was myself for the compulsory vaccination. I do not understand the approach of the anti-vax who today attack elected officials“concludes the elected Puydômois.

Prime Minister Jean Castex was moved by these many threats this Tuesday before the National Assembly by promising to punish “despicable actsNever before have threats and violence against elected officials seemed so widespread.
According to Franceinfo, the gendarmerie recorded a 21% increase in violence in small and medium-sized towns last year and launched an application to more easily manage complaints from mayors and deputies.

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