expected Hamas response to truce offer

Hamas announced that it planned to give its response on Monday April 29 to a proposed truce in the war with Israel in Gaza, associated with the release of hostages. A tripartite meeting is to take place in Cairo between Egypt, Qatar and the Palestinian Islamist movement. The meeting in Cairo comes almost seven months after the start of the war, triggered by the bloody attack by the Palestinian Islamist movement against Israel on October 7. Follow our live stream.

Egyptian proposal. The text at the heart of the discussions was drawn up by Egypt and amended by Israel. The proposal was presented in response to Hamas which, in mid-April, insisted on a permanent ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, a hypothesis that Israel refuses to consider.

The head of American diplomacy on tour in the Middle East. Antony Blinken arrived in Saudi Arabia on Monday. During this tour, he is to promote a truce between Israel and Hamas and the entry of more humanitarian aid into the Gaza Strip.

The previous truce dates back to the end of November. This break in fighting lasted a week, and allowed the release of 80 hostages held by Hamas against 240 Palestinians held in Israeli prisons.

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