Brother AndréMicheline Lachance
“I really like reading about these larger-than-life lives. It’s sure that it’s been romanticized a lot, but seeing how a person can strip themselves to this extent to reach out to another, I like that. It’s an old book that I found in an Écolivres – I really like going to the Écolivres. I choose to buy very used books because I tell myself that if they have been used, it is because they have been loved [rires] ! We see all the struggles there were to build the Saint-Joseph oratory, all the difficulties he encountered, the people who did not understand him because he was a man who was not very educated. . His way of living, his way of seeing life, his struggles, it’s very inspiring. »

Brother André
Les Éditions de l’Homme
400 pages
The Deblois sisters, Louise Tremblay D’Essiambre
” I loved The Deblois sisters. We are in the history of Quebec, once again. I really like Louise Tremblay D’Essiambre’s way of writing. I think she portrays her characters well. I really, really liked this series. That’s what life is like: it’s ups, then downs, then pairs of downs, as my father would say. And in the books [de cette saga], that’s it. »

The Deblois sistersvolume 1, Charlotte
Saint Jean
536 pages
Happiness of the dayFrançoise Gaudet-Smet
“She tells us about everything she learned from her mother, about plants, cooking… It’s 1950s housewife stuff, but it’s wonderful because it opens a door to knowledge of our ancestors that we lost. It’s a gold mine for those who want to learn about it. I found all these old books in Écolivres; and this one was threadbare – the tips of the leaves were rounded from being consulted. There are many who say that in Écolivres, there are books that are not fashionable, but a book is always fashionable. »

Happiness of the day
303 pages