possible sanctions for the police



Article written by

E. Pelletier, B. Thomas, L. Monfort, P. Lagaune, S. Lisnyj, C. Beauvalet – France 3

France Televisions

His feminicide raises the question of police failures. In May 2021, Chahinez Daoud died burned alive by her ex-husband. However, a few weeks earlier, she had already alerted the police. Six police officers are summoned to assess their responsibility for these dysfunctions.

She was 31 years old and the mother of three children. Chahinez Daoud has become the symbol of violence against women, but also of the failings of justice. On May 4, 2021, she was burned alive in the middle of the street by her ex-spouse in Mérignac (Gironde). He had just been released from prison and was wanted by the police. Chahinez had filed a complaint against him. The police officer who had registered his complaint was dismissed.

The first proposals for sanctions fell in the afternoon of Tuesday, January 4. They range from a simple warning to temporary exclusion for three days suspended for the police. David Le Bars, General Secretary of the Union of National Police Commissioners “hopes that the Ministry of Justice will do the same on the side of the criminal chain”. According to the lawyer for the family of Chahinez, these disciplinary procedures are intended to prevent such tragedies from happening again. The final decision rests with the Minister of the Interior.

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