Camille Santoro (Large families): Her family struck by two illnesses, she says

Since then, Camille Santoro has regained control of her Instagram account. Unfortunately, the news announced on Tuesday, January 4 was not much better. “We started the day yesterday with a few small buttons. Today there are more. The big ones [Alessio, Nino, Emie, NDLR] had had a big chickenpox and I think Maé is fine too. He doesn’t complain too much. He has a little fever but frankly it’s okay. I’ll show you a picture later“, she confided before sharing the said photo of Mattia’s twin. Maé will be able to count on the whole tribe to support him during the coming days. All are still isolated because of the coronavirus, he will therefore be well surrounded.

At the end of the year, the Santoro family had to face another hard blow. Last month, Camille revealed in a story: “There is Nico who has had three operations in the last month, there are people who represent the world to me and whom I was afraid of not having for Christmas.”

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