The law, which provides $61 billion in military and economic aid for kyiv, “will strengthen the security of America and the security of the world,” Joe Biden said on Wednesday.
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“It’s an investment in our own security”declared Joe Biden after promulgating the American aid plan for Ukraine. The President of the United States announced on Wednesday April 24 that a first delivery of military equipment worth a billion dollars would leave for kyiv “in the next few hours”. These voted texts “will make America safer and the world safer”, assured the Head of State from the White House, as Congress adopted a major aid plan for Ukraine on Saturdaybut also to Israel and Taiwan.
The law, which provides $61 billion in military and economic aid for kyiv, “will strengthen the security of America and the security of the world”said the American president, recognizing that the legislative process had been “difficult”. The elected Democrat, however, welcomed the political consensus found between the parliamentarians of his party and a certain number of Republicans, after months of negotiations around the text, which will allow theAmerican military assistance, interrupted for several weeks, to resume.
“Compensate for these six months of debate and doubt”
The law received very broad support in the US Senate on Tuesday, after having been adopted a few days earlier in the House of Representatives, the other component of the US Congress. “We let’s not abandon our allies, we support them. We don’t let tyrants win, we oppose them. We do not witness developments in the world as spectators, we shape them.”welcomed Joe Biden.
“We bow to no one. No one. And certainly not to Vladimir Putin”
Joe Bidenin a speech broadcast on television
“Whatever anyone says, we are receiving the support we need. It is necessary for us to continue protecting lives from Russian attacks”reacted Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on X. “Now we will do everything to compensate for these six months of debate and doubt”he added, in reference to the time it took Congress to validate the aid plan requested by Joe Biden.