Video length: 2 min
Employment: what amount corresponds to the “decent salary” promised by Michelin?
The boss of the Michelin group has promised a “decent salary” to all his employees. Friday April 19, the France Télévisions teams left to question the French on this subject.
(France 2)
The boss of the Michelin group has promised a “decent” salary to all his employees. Friday April 19, the France Télévisions teams left to question the French on this subject.
There are no figures or official definitions of a “decent” salary in France. So on the morning of Friday April 19, in the aisles of a Parisian market, everyone advances their own amount. “A decent salary has to cover the rent to begin with.” assures a young man. According to other passers-by, it should also allow you to do your shopping, some outings and“ensure a future” to children.
3 million people on minimum wage
The minimum wage today is 1,398 euros net monthly. According to the Michelin group, it would take at least 2,378 euros to live decently in Paris, where life is particularly expensive. For some passers-by, this amount remains “just”, while others imagine being able to save. With 1,766 euros gross, the French minimum wage is relatively high compared to other European countries such as Belgium or Germany, where it is around 2,000 euros. Conversely, some countries are far below, such as Greece or Spain. Historic record, nearly 3 million people are currently paid the minimum wage in France.