The polemics journal

“The year has barely started and in 48 hours, there has already been its share of sterile controversies. Well, we take stock in the journal of the controversies immediately on France Bleu. Agnès Buzyn and Professor Jean -François Delfraissy, decorated with the Legion of Honor, there must be a typo. It is from the Legion of Horror that they should have received. Jean-François Delfraissy, who spends his time announcing waves . He is no longer a doctor, but a meteorologist. He keeps surfing on it. He’s the Bixente Lizarazu of the Covid, as for Agnès Buzyn, he’s still the first victim of the Covid. And she in addition, without having had it. “

We are not immune to making a good show

Find your daily dose of good humor with Willy Rovelli and his tribe in “We are not immune to making a good show”, every day from 12h to 13h on France Bleu.

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