According to the Ipsos poll for franceinfo and “Le Parisien” published on Saturday, Jordan Bardella clearly comes out on top in voting intentions for the European elections on June 9.
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The RN list led by Jordan Bardella for the European elections of June 9, 2024 is well ahead in voting intentions, at 32%, according to the Ipsos poll for franceinfo and The Parisian published Saturday April 13.
With a third of voting intentions, the RN list is relatively stable over one month (+1 point). Far behind, the Renaissance-La République en Marche, Modem, Horizons and UDI list, led by Valérie Hayer, is credited with 16% of the votes, down two points over one month. The gap is narrowing with the list carried by Raphaël Glucksmann (Socialist Party and Public Place) which gains two points, to 13% of voting intentions.
Behind this trio, the lists La France insoumise by Manon Aubry and Europe Ecologie-Les Verts by Marie Toussaint are at 7%. Manon Aubry remains stable, while Marie Toussaint loses 1.5 points in one month. François-Xavier Bellamy who is on the LR list is credited with 6.5% (-0.5 points) and is on par with Marion Maréchal for Reconquête who however gains 1.5 points. The PCF list led by Léon Deffontaines totals 3% of voting intentions (-0.5 points).
63% assure that their choice is final
According to this survey, two thirds of those questioned (63%) assure that their choice is final. It is the Renaissance and National Rally voters who are the most certain of their ballot (81% for Renaissance and 80% for the RN). Two thirds of LFI supporters are sure of their choice (63%). And six out of ten voters for Raphaël Glucksmann (60%) demand a definitive choice.
The rest of the lists present see a more versatile electorate. If the PCF can count on 55% of certain voting intentions, Reconquest can only count on 46% of voters who will not change their minds. They are 40% among Les Républicains. And Marie Toussaint for EELV can only trust 34% of voters who are sure of their choice.
But an uncertainty hangs over this election: participation. According to this survey, 43% of those questioned intend to vote. That’s one point less than a month ago. In the 2019 European elections, participation stood at 50.1%.
Among the themes that will count in voters’ voting choices on June 9, it is purchasing power which comes out on top among the motivations of those questioned, at 54%. The health system is cited by 36% of respondents. Immigration is the third motivation for the French to put a ballot in the box.
Next come the subjects of environmental protection (cited by 24% of respondents), the security of property and people (21%), the school system and education (18%), or even the terrorist threat ( 17%). International subjects such as France’s place in Europe and in the world or the war in Ukraine are only cited by 12% of those questioned as a motivation in their choice of vote.
Guest, Saturday on franceinfo, the general deputy director of the Ipsos institute, Brice Teinturier believes that the National Rally benefits from a “truly dynamic.” Voting intentions for Jordan Bardella are very high “in all age groups”. Jordan Bardella “beginning to make a breakthrough among executives”assures Brice Teinturier who concludes: “it is identified as the anti-Macron vote”.
Regarding the position of Raphaël Glusckmann, the deputy general director of Ipsos believes that he “First of all, there is a whole section of left-wing voters who, during the presidential election, voted for Mélenchon but who, particularly for his positions on Ukraine, returned to Glucksmann. And then there are center-left voters , who were on Emmanuel Macron, and who are leaving Emmanuel Macron for Glucksmann, in particular because of national politics, such as pension reform. There is a redistribution of cards in the space of the left. The balance of power internal to the bloc. of the left is evolving, rather in favor of the PS.”
Methodology: Ipsos survey for franceinfo and Le Parisien on voting intentions for the 2024 European elections carried out from April 10 to 11 on a representative sample of 1,500 people registered on the electoral lists, interviewed via the Internet.