it’s the turn of the two wheels to pass the technical inspection


Video length: 2 min

Road safety: it’s the turn of two wheels to undergo technical inspection

From Monday April 15, one million scooters, unlicensed cars and motorcycles are required to undergo a technical inspection. What are the deadlines, and what will the cost be? Point.

(France 2)

From Monday April 15, one million scooters, unlicensed cars and motorcycles are required to undergo a technical inspection. What are the deadlines, and what will the cost be? Point.

For months, Kyllian Gauthierot working to be ready on April 15th. On Monday, technical inspectors will begin inspecting motorized two-wheel vehicles. The checks will be spread over time, depending on seniority. For vehicles registered before 2017, the check will be carried out in 2024, for those registered in 2017, 2018 or 2019, in 2025, and for those registered more recently, in 2026.

A longer check

The check will cost between 50 and 100 euros and will be valid for three years. It could be a little longer than that of cars. “On a vehicle, I spend 30 to 40 minutes, but on a motorcycle, there are more things to look at, it will be a little more meticulous”, explains Kyllian Gauthierot. The indicators, mirrors, brakes, tires, but also polluting emissions and noise pollution will be checked. It is recommended to call before traveling. Many motorcyclists, opposed to the principle of technical inspection, consider its implementation shoddy.

source site-32
