“We must create a culture of security for women in professional and political organizations,” believes the national secretary of Ecologists-EELV.
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“Not only was this investigation necessary to launch, but we should have done it much earlier,” deplores Tuesday April 9 on France Inter Marine Tondelier, national secretary of Ecologists-EELV, while the party has decided to open an external investigation into Julien Bayou, the former boss of EELV accused by his ex-partner of “psychological violence “. For Marine Tondelier, it is because “at the time the head of the organization was” Julien Bayou precisely that the party did not launch an external investigation sooner.
The boss of the Ecologists assures that her party has taken “his responsibilities” by proposing the organization of this investigation. “I made the decision that any business leader, any association president or any radio channel boss would have made,” she maintains. Marine Tondelier considers that this affair “isn’t just a problem with his ex-partner.” “Several people testify and have called me,” she specifies.
“25% of women are victims of sexual harassment at work”
Marine Tondelier would like this subject to be “treated in an appropriate framework”that’s to say “by a law firm with an incriminating and exonerating investigation” who also respects “the presumption of innocence” that “the presumption of credibility of women”. “There has been enough talk about this investigation in the media for us to get to the bottom of it, we now need to know what happened”she says.
The national secretary of the Les Écologues-EELV party recalls that in France “25% of women are victims of sexual harassment at work”. Faced with this observation, she believes that it is necessary “take extremely seriously” this subject. “We must create a culture of security for women in professional and political organizations”she says.