surprise suspension of consideration of the bill in the National Assembly

thes senators were to examine the text from Wednesday and the vaccination pass should come into force on January 15.

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The night promised to be long for the deputies, it was cut short. Despite the request of the Minister of Health, Olivier Véran, that the meeting be extended beyond midnight to complete the examination of the bill transforming the health pass into a vaccination pass, the debates were suspended after a vote by show of hands, and a count of the Vice-President of the National Assembly, Annie Genevard. “At this rate, we must sit without interruption until 6 pm tomorrow”, had warned the latter.

“There remain 582 amendments and the meeting is not open tomorrow (…). If we continue like this, and I think that we will continue like this because our debates are nourished (…), I don’t even know if at 9 o’clock tomorrow morning we’ll be done “, for his part underlined the deputy La France insoumise, Ugo Bernalicis.

It will be up to the conference of parliamentary group presidents at the Palais Bourbon to include the rest of the examination of the text on the Assembly’s agenda, but this dramatic turn will derail the timetable for the final adoption of the text by the Parliament. Senators were to examine the text from Wednesday and the vaccine pass should come into force on January 15.

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