Benjamin Netanyahu warned by the United States


Video length: 2 min

War between Israel and Hamas: Benjamin Netanyahu warned by the United States

War between Israel and Hamas: Benjamin Netanyahu warned by the United States

(France 2)

The Israeli army has admitted a series of errors after missile strikes that killed seven aid workers in Gaza, saying it wanted to target Hamas operatives. For his part, Benjamin Netanyahu is increasingly under pressure, his American ally is warning him again under the voice of Joe Biden. Even Donald Trump says that the Jewish state is losing the communications battle.

A telephone conversation took on the appearance of a warning. Joe Biden asks Benjamin Netanyahu to dramatically facilitate the arrival of humanitarian aid in Gaza. The Israeli Prime Minister has no choice; if he does not comply, American military aid to Israel could be affected. The pressure seems to be working, the Israelis announced immediate measures on the night of Friday April 4.

Pressures from all sides

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