With her husband no longer interested in the thing, a forty-year-old dentist gets laid thanks to a dating app.
After giving him a stubborn donkey as his main play partner in Antoinette in the CévennesCaroline Vignal (The other girls) this time offers the bubbly Laure Calamy the more than attractive Vincent Elbaz as a husband. The problem is that the latter’s character, Stéphane, is always glued to his keyboard and no longer has time for meetings on the pillow.
Never mind, Iris (Calamy), a dentist at the head of her own practice, devoted mother of two charming daughters and, until now, a faithful wife, will soon be having fun thanks to a dating app. Ding! Ding! Ding! It doesn’t take long for notifications to start multiplying on Iris’s phone, much to Stéphane’s surprise and the great dismay of dental hygienist Nuria (Suzanne De Baecque, hilarious).
Driven by Laure Calamy’s contagious enthusiasm and some amusing staging ideas, Iris and men, Caroline Vignal’s third feature film, deals with female desire and adultery with disconcerting lightness. Furthermore, seeing the lovers they submit to their heroine, we must believe that the director and co-writer Noémie De Lapparent do not consider adultery as a solution for couples tired of routine.
In fact, no one would dare say that Alphonse/Julien (Sylvain Katan), Sylvain (Laurent Poitrenaux) or No Vanilla (Alexandre Steiger), some of the male specimens offered by the dating app, makes you want to give up everything if only for a few moments of pleasure. So to speak, Iris’ extramarital escapades turn out to be more wacky than naughty. Moreover, the sweet dates become so mechanical that it is difficult to explain the ecstatic smile of the cheerful forty-year-old. And to think that the scenario is based on the director’s research…
Avoiding the endless text messages displayed on the screen, Caroline Vignal had the happy idea of transforming metro users into potential candidates coming to introduce themselves to Iris. A little longer, the scene would have become somewhat disturbing as the men are so insistent. Then comes, without warning, this musical number where Laure Calamy, dressed all in red, sings (rather badly) It’s raining Men (French version ofIt’s Raining Men adapted by the director) and dancing (not so bad) surrounded by men near a metro station in Créteil. Funny and fanciful.
Check the movie schedule

Sentimental comedy
Iris and men
Caroline Vignal
Laure Calamy, Vincent Elbaz, Suzanne De Baecque
1:38 a.m.