The text carried by the ecologist Sabrina Sebaihi and the Renaissance deputy Julie Delpech was approved in a sparse hemicycle by 67 deputies, 11 from the ranks of the RN voting against.
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The repression caused several dozen victims, between 30 and 200 according to historians. The National Assembly approved a proposed resolution which “condemns the bloody and murderous repression of Algerians committed under the authority of police prefect Maurice Papon” during a peaceful demonstration on October 17, 1961, Thursday March 28.
The proposal, carried by the ecologist Sabrina Sebaihi and the Renaissance deputy Julie Delpech, was approved in a sparse hemicycle by 67 deputies, 11 voting against, from the ranks of the National Rally. The Minister Delegate in charge of Local Authorities, Dominique Faure, mentioned in her speech a demonstration “violently repressed by the services acting under the authority of the police prefect at the time, Maurice Papon”during which “besides numerous injured, several dozen [de personnes] were killed, their bodies thrown into the Seine..
“A thought for these victims”
“Let us today at this platform have a thought for these victims and their families hit hard by the spiral of violence”, she said, under the eyes of representatives of the collectives who have been pleading for this recognition for several years. On October 17, 1961, the National Liberation Front called for demonstrations in the streets of Paris to demand the independence of Algeria, at the time a French department where war had been raging since 1954, and the end of the curfew. aimed at “Algerian Muslims” since October 5.
Between 20,000 and 30,000 Algerians participated in the rally, but it degenerated and many demonstrators were beaten with clubs or rifle butts by the police. Several of them are even killed “Gunshot” then thrown into the Seine, specifies the historian Emmanuel Blanchard at World.
The resolution “guest” also “the government to work together with the Algerian authorities to understand their common history, including that of the events of October 17, 1961”. Sabrina Sebaihi recalled the work of memory already accomplished, with the“tribute to the victims” of a “bloody repression” made by François Hollande in 2012, and the recognition of “crimes (…) inexcusable” by Emmanuel Macron on October 17, 2021. The text “wish” furthermore “the inscription of a day of commemoration [de ce] massacre” has “the agenda of national days and official ceremonies”.