“I am a victim in history.”
This is what Inès Reg declared on March 25, 2024, following her falling out with Natasha St-Pier, also in the casting of the last season of Dancing with the Stars. In a series of stories posted on Instagram, the comedian revealed his truth about the affair. And the singer doesn’t hear it the same way. Also, she met the fans at 9 p.m. sharp, to tell the story of what happened behind the scenes.
“I keep silent because I am not a controversial persone”
While the media spoke of insults, death threats, hand-wringing, Pascal Obispo’s protégé assured: “As you know, from the beginning I have remained silent because I am not a controversial person and I have too much respect for the incredible candidates, the dancers, the production, the technicians and the intermittents. They give their all to make ‘Dancing with the Stars’ a moment of joy.”
And to add: “I have too much respect for the public and the viewers because our job is to transmit positive emotions, to entertain you and not to get you bogged down in dark stories and controversies“. Also, with “a lot of pain” and after having “took note this morning with regret” videos of Inès Reg, she said to herself that she now had the “duty to respond“.
“Inaccuracy”, “omissions”, “untruths”
And for good reason, she says: “the magnitude of these stories” And “the seriousness of the accusations that are made”,”inaccuracy”, “the omissions” , “or even the untruths that are said” made him angry, explains Natasha St-Pier. “I do not have a choice“, she assures, before promising “That’s the last thing I wanted.”. It promises.