The president of the Young Socialists Emma Rafowicz denounces a wave of anti-Semitic insults against her

The European candidate on the PS-Place publique list says in particular that she is targeted because of her family ties with the spokesperson for the Israeli army. She denounces the actions of “accounts close to the ‘rebellious’”.



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The president of the Young Socialists Emma Rafowicz, in Rennes, September 18, 2022. (MATHIEU PATTIER / OUEST FRANCE / MAXPPP)

“They don’t realize the harm they are doing to the left.” The president of the Young Socialists Emma Rafowicz said she was the victim of a wave of “threats and insults” online, including a certain number of an anti-Semitic nature, Friday March 22.

Several messages were still online Friday evening, AFP noted, some referring to the fact that Emma Rafowicz is the niece of Olivier Rafowicz, the spokesperson for the Israeli army. “I denounce the massacre in Gaza and the policy of [Benyamin Nétanyahou], I am for an immediate ceasefire and a two-state solution. My uncle made his life choices, I made mine”replied in an interview with Release the one who is also a candidate for Europeans on the PS-Place publique list.

The insults of which she claims to be the victim come according to her “mainly accounts close to the ‘rebellious'”. “I want to say that I am not afraid, that those who attack me do not deserve to call themselves left-wing, that they are my adversaries”declared the activist.

Support from PS and LFI managers

“Rebellious France has nothing to do with [ces] anti-Semitic attacksretorted the coordinator of La France insoumise Manuel Bompard, also cited by Release. The left movement “fights anti-Semitism on a daily basis” And “brings its solidarity with all the people who are victims”declared Manuel Bompard. “I am sorry to see the leader of the Young Socialists participating, through this shameful and unfounded accusation, in the denigration campaign against La France insoumise led by unconditional supporters of the Israeli far-right government”concludes the LFI manager.

Emma Rafowicz received the support of many socialist tenors, notably Olivier Faure. “Let those who have been attacking Emma Rafowicz for weeks on social networks take the time to read her and be ashamed of essentializing her as a woman and as a Jew”wrote the first secretary of the party on the social network.

The socialist candidate also received the support of other personalities on the left such as the head of the PCF list for the Europeans Léon Deffontaines, or the deputies of the LFI group Danielle Simonnet and Raquel Garrido. The latter defended on “a comrade” : “That she is targeted instead of her uncle is a macho abomination”.

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