In a press release released on Friday, 17 Ligue 1 clubs demanded the departure of Antony Gautier, the head of arbitration in France.
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After Stéphane Lannoy, Antony Gautier’s turn? No less than 17 Ligue 1 clubs (out of 18) requested in a press release on Friday the departure of the Technical Director of Refereeing (DTA), believing that “dialogue and trust (were) definitively broken“. As a reminder, Antony Gautier has been acting since the dismissal of Stéphane Lannoy, with whom he had deep disagreements.
The clubs point out in particular failures in the use of VAR: “The refereeing of our Ligue 1 today does not seem to be up to the level of (…) issues, as illustrated by the numerous errors and controversies, every weekend, on almost all Ligue 1 pitches. The images provided by the VAR and at the disposal of the referees make them even more incomprehensible, even less acceptable (…) The clubs demand the change of Mr. Antony Gautier, the current director of refereeing of the French Football Federation“, indicate the Ligue 1 clubs.
The residents of L1 also demand “the dissemination of the audit carried out by Mrs. Dominique Laurent and transmitted to the FFF Executive Committee, as well as the proposed measures which could serve as a basis for reflection, discussion and development between all parties concerned and in particular a reorganization and redefinition the very ambiguous role of the Federal Commission of Referees (CFA).“