will the new expertises be conclusive?


Video length: 2 min

Grégory affair: will the new expert opinions be conclusive?

Grégory affair: will the new expert opinions be conclusive?

(France 2)

New DNA analyzes will be carried out to try to identify the murderer of little Grégory Villemin, found drowned in October 1984 in the Vosges. Promising techniques, according to the former boss of the national gendarmerie.

Will the gendarmerie experts be the first to identify the murderer(s) of Grégory Villemin? The parents of the child, found dead in a Vosges river in 1984, have obtained agreement for a new series of cutting-edge analyses. Because, from now on, even small amounts of mixed DNA can speak. We find them in particular on the cords and the anorak found on the child’s body, but also on the letter of demand of October 16, 1984.

The importance of the stamp on the claim letter

Me François Saint-Pierre, lawyer for the child’s parents, explains: “the ultimate goal for us is to be able to identify who put the stamp on the letter claiming the crime”, he explains. These analyzes will be compared with those of half a dozen relatives of the Villemin family, and of Bernard Laroche, suspected at the start of the investigation of being the author of the crime. These new technologies are in any case promising, says General François Daoust, the former boss of the scientific gendarmerie.

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