The nephew of François Mitterrand, writer and former minister, died Thursday at the age of 76.
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The disappearance of Frédéric Mitterrand moves the world of culture and the political sphere. Writer, television and radio man and politician, he died Thursday March 21 at the age of 76 from cancer. The nephew of former president François Mitterrand served as culture minister under Nicolas Sarkozy and is described as a personality “unclassifiable” by those who pay homage to him.
“A man of culture”
On the verge of tears, Stéphane Bern, television host, says he is upset upon learning of the death of Frédéric Miterrand live in “C to you” on France 5: “I’m very sad this evening. He’s the one who gave me my chance…”he declares. “He is a great writer, he insists, he had sensitivity, he made wonderful films, he is a man of culture.”
“The death of Frédéric Mitterrand upsets me”reacts Jack Lang on the social network “A friendship of more than 60 years linked us with unalterable affection.writes Jack Lang, also a former Minister of Culture. “Our common loyalty to François Mitterrand united us deeply.” Guest on franceinfo, Jack Lang ensures that “Frédéric was a profoundly good person, a beautiful soul even when he was attacked and God knows he was mocked.” Jack Lang describes his friend’s life as “brilliant, funny, astonishing, astonishing”. He assures that he “dared, tried” and that he “has been criticized often”. As a writer, in The Bad Life, a book published in 2005, Frédéric Mitterrand recounted his sexual and paid wanderings in Thailand. The book had sparked controversy, forcing him to defend himself from any relationship with minors or advocating child crime.
“He served the arts with passion, erudition and love throughout his life.”
Jack Lang, former Minister of Cultureon
The writer and academician Erik Orsenna greets on franceinfo, “a huge character” to the “generous curiosity” and shares his “very sad”. Frédéric Mitterrandwas a great face of television, a voice, and above all, he made you want to admire”, remembers the writer. For Erik Orsenna, Frédéric Mitterrand was “a very good minister” of the culture. “When he was minister, he proved that culture was not the icing on the cake. It was not a luxury, but it was a necessity”assures the writer who adds that Frédéric Mitterrand “is completely linked to the history of France”.
“A life made of political passion”
Emmanuel Macron also pays tribute to Frédéric Mitterrand. “His legendary ‘Good evening!’ we will miss you, writes the head of state on the social network From arthouse cinemas to rue de Valois, Frédéric Mitterrand lived a thousand lives, all woven with a common thread: culture for everyone.” As for the Prime Minister, Gabriel Attal, he writes on “France loses a man who loved everything that directly or indirectly touched on culture. A man who had an insatiable thirst for learning and a constant project to do. It loses a total man of culture.”
Former President of the Republic Nicolas Sarkozy also expresses his sorrow at the announcement of the death of Frédéric Mitterrand, who had been Minister of Culture between June 2009 and May 2012, during his five-year term. “He was an enthusiastic and passionate Minister of Culture, who carried out his duties with panache and talent”underlines the former president on CNews. “He will leave his films, his books, his broadcasts as so many testimonies of his love for art and culture”says Nicolas Sarkozy who remembers: “We had some great times with lots of laughs.”
“He was a deeply cultured and delicate man, a being apart, sensitive and endearing, an unclassifiable personality so far from partisan life.”
Nicolas Sarkozy, former President of the Republicon
Another former president, François Hollande, greets Frédéric Mitterrand who “has passed on his passion for French culture throughout his life. His commitment to cinema and television has left its mark on generations. He has made films that remain in my memory”, he writes on X.
The current Minister of Culture and former Minister of Justice of Nicolas Sarkozy, Rachida Dati, also pays tribute to her predecessor. “Frédéric Mitterrand wore his melancholy as elegance”she writes on X, “Many of us will remember Frédéric’s bright smile and the inimitable grain of his voice.” On the same social network, Rima Abdul Malak, who was also Minister of Culture, also shares on “great sadness” and greet “panache and melancholy. Lightness and torment. An unforgettable voice. An infinite culture. Total commitment.”
“The world of culture loses one of its great servants this evening”, greets the President of the National Assembly. On X, Yaël Braun-Pivet believes that Frédéric Mitterrand “leaves behind him a great void after a life made of political passion and love of cinema”. “Frédéric Mitterrand, former minister with many cultural hats and unique voice of television has left us”abounds on the same social network the President of the Senate, Gérard Larcher, who “think of what he leaves for French political life.”