Around Bérengère Bonte, those informed debate the news of Thursday March 21, 2024.
Reading time: 6 min

The themes :
Frédéric Miterrand: Former Minister of Culture and television man Frédéric Mitterrand died Thursday in Paris at the age of 76, after a battle with cancer. Nephew of former president François Mitterrand, minister under Nicolas Sarkozy, this unclassifiable personality, a great film buff, announced in April 2023 that he was “sick”, without saying more.
With Matteu Maestraccijournalist in the culture department of franceinfo
Deficit: Bercy’s services envisage a slippage in the public deficit to 5.6% of GDP in 2023. Jean-François Husson, senator LR, who led a control mission to the Ministry of the Economy on Thursday denounced a “disastrous budgetary management” and the “information retention” from the government on these figures.
Ukraine: European leaders, meeting at a summit in Brussels on Thursday, are looking for ways to better arm Ukraine, after a new call for help from its president and in the face of a Russian threat considered increasingly worrying.
With Angelique Bouinpermanent correspondent for Radio France in Brussels
CETA: In a climate of extreme tension in the midst of an agricultural crisis, a convenient left-right alliance allowed the Senate on Thursday to oppose the ratification of the Ceta free trade treaty between the European Union and Canada.
With Mathilde Dupréco-director of the Veblen Institute
The informed :
Armelle Le Goff, deputy editorial director of the weekly Le Point
Claire Planchard, editor-in-chief General information from the Ebra group
Bruno Cautres, CNRS researcher at CEVIPOF, the Political Life Research Center, teacher at Sciences PO
Find all the news from Thursday March 21, 2024: