The director returned to France Inter on Saturday about the outcome of her film, which sparked numerous debates among spectators.
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Guilty or not guilty? “I will give the answer in 10 years”, mischievously replied Justine Triet on Saturday March 16 on France Inter. The director of the multi-award winning film Anatomy of a fall expressed herself, with a little smile, about the guilt in Sandra Hüller’s feature film in the death of her companion Samuel Theis, found lifeless at the foot of their family chalet. “I know !”she underlined, while the outcome provoked strong reactions among the spectators.
This event film won the 2023 Palme d’Or at the Cannes Film Festival, six Césars including best film and best direction, but also, on March 10, the Oscar for best original screenplay, a prize which could well open the doors of Hollywood to the director.
The director says she is “surprised that in France, everyone believes she is innocent”
Released in August 2023, Anatomy of a fall has been seen by nearly two million spectators and continues to attract moviegoers from all over the world thanks to the awards it receives. This film “effectively tells something about the culture, about the people”, analyzes Justine Triet. Depending on the country, the perception of Sandra’s guilt is different. “It really surprised me, actually, that in France everyone believes she is innocent and in the United States everyone believes she is guilty”she reacted.
Justine Triet emphasizes that Sandra “is very feminist”, “without talking about it, without theorizing”, she says. This feminism seems to have upset some spectators: “In Spain, I had a lot of male journalists who told me: ‘This woman is very hateful'”, she testified. The director finds this “fun”.
“It resonated in a very intimate place of people”
The climax ofAnatomy of a fall is the violent argument between Sandra Hüller and Samuel Theis, the day before the latter’s death. An anthology scene which impressed many spectators. Samuel blames Sandra for having “stole his time” while he has literary ambitions, while she expresses her frustration as a woman, regretting in particular the imbalance in the distribution of tasks.
“There are generations a little above my mother who told me: ‘That made me completely burst into tears because I said to myself, in fact, at one point in my life I lived that and I don’t have the strength to say what Sandra says in the argument scene’, she added. It resonated in a very intimate place of people”concluded Justine Triet.