A perfect storm of congestion is expected this weekend in one of the busiest areas of Montreal’s road network. Traffic will be blocked on a portion of the Décarie Expressway in order to replace a beam of an overpass and add a pedestrian bridge connecting the metro to the Royalmount project.
“We expect quite significant congestion. This will be a sector to avoid, clearly,” says the spokesperson for the Ministry of Transport and Sustainable Mobility (MTMD), Martin Girard.
First, Highway 15 South will be completely blocked from Friday evening to Monday morning, between the Décarie interchange and the entrance ramp from Rue Jean-Talon, due to the replacement of a section of beam of the Savane overpass. The latter was damaged by a truck in June 2022. The new beam will be 11 meters long.

Map of road obstructions from March 22 to 25
Increased police surveillance is planned, particularly at intersections on the local network, to manage the rhythm of traffic lights. Around twenty variable message (PVM) signs will also inform motorists of obstacles in real time. For the rest, Quebec invites users going south to favor Highway 13.
This project will also force the closure of the ramps to Highway 40 and Boulevard Marcel-Laurin, as well as exit 65 towards the airport and Chemin de la Côte-de-Liesse towards Highway 40, in both directions. Rue De la Savane will also be blocked to the west, between Décarie Boulevards North and South.
Royalmount will have its gateway
But that’s not all. The Carbonleo company will take advantage of the opportunity to install its pedestrian bridge during the nights of Friday and Saturday, which will force the closure of Highway 15 North between the Turcot interchange and the Décarie interchange.
Pillars have been installed over the past few months to support the structure, which is 600 feet long and is separated into five sections. It is also “one of the largest cranes in America”, capable of lifting up to 1,000 tonnes, which will be used to install the footbridge, says Carbonleo partner Claude Marcotte.
“It’s very complex. We are talking about a facility that is almost a building in itself, which is air-conditioned, heated and closed, with a very unique architecture. But we are very happy to get there. Mobility is crucial in a congested area like the Décarie interchange. We know very well what environment we fit into,” says Mr. Marcotte on this subject.
The said footbridge, the cost of which is estimated at 25 million, will connect the Royalmount site to the De la Savane metro station, thus facilitating access for thousands of visitors.
In 2020, The Press had revealed that Carbonleo wished to receive grants, loans or a guarantee for expenses particularly linked to the pedestrian bridge. Initially, the promoter supported paying the required 25 million himself. He also proposed offering an electric shuttle system to the Canora station of the Réseau express métropolitain (REM).
In short, “it’s going to be a very difficult weekend on the roads,” notes transportation planning expert at the University of Montreal Pierre Barrieau.
“We will have to divert all the traffic we can on Highway 13 and position agents strategically on the local network. That said, whatever the measures, the impact is sure to be major. Décarie is one of the busiest highways in Canada,” he concludes.