Jeanfi Janssens recounts in tears the suicide of his brother, father of two young children

He spent A Sunday in the countryside, with Frédéric Lopez, Zabou Breitman and Pierre de Maere. And Jeanfi Janssens made terrible confidences this March 17, 2024 on France 2. He returned to the disappearance of his brother, who killed himself.

“I went down and slapped the receptionist

He confided, in tears: “It’s terrible for the parents, for us, but for the parents, it’s worse! It’s not in the order of things. And then, we got no explanation, no letter … It’s just interpretations. The first thing parents do is blame themselves for not having seen and say to themselves: ‘We missed something…’ My brother had two young children.”.

And the way he learned this terrible news was enough to mark him for life. Jeanfi Janssens reports: “When I was told, I was getting off a plane. I arrived at the hotel reception in Nice. The receptionist, with great tact, told me: ‘You have to call home, your brother is dead…’ So I went up to my room, I called my mother and I immediately understood from the screams of my mother what was happening…”.

Such a shock that Jeanfi Janssens needed to let off some steam. He admits : “I went down and slapped the receptionist. I think he understood, he didn’t ask for an explanation. I was in denial for 24 hours. During this period, my brother didn’t was not dead. I did not want to print this information”.

“A way of not grieving or grieving…”

A mourning which took a long time to begin, since for 15 years, the comedian remembers that he did not want to set foot in the cemetery, to go and pray at his brother’s grave. He explains : “I didn’t want it to materialize. I didn’t see him often because of my job as a steward. I kept telling myself that I didn’t see him often. A way of not doing or grieving …”.


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