Four things to know about Arcom, the super regulator born from the merger between the CSA and the Hadopi

You may have missed this information and yet, on Saturday January 1, 2022, France has a new super regulator: Arcom (abbreviation for Audiovisual and digital communication regulatory authority). It is actually the new audiovisual and digital policeman with an increased scope and power, resulting from the merger between the CSA (Superior Audiovisual Council), audiovisual regulator, and the Hadopi (High authority for the dissemination of works and protection of rights on the internet), agency against online piracy.

Franceinfo details four things you need to know about this new authority, which has gone from 300 to 355 employees, for a budget of 46.6 million euros.

1A new body to adapt to current practices

The digital had to be much more present in the skills of the former CSA, according to its current president. “In 2021, the landscape has changed considerably with new and very powerful players, in particular subscription streaming platforms and social networks”, thus exposes in an interview with AFP Roch-Olivier Maistre, president of the CSA and the new Arcom. “This transformation has been accompanied by important phenomena such as the development of piracy, false information, the phenomenon of online hatred … It was therefore necessary that the regulator embraces its time and the world as it is today. “, has been developing the enarque at the head of the CSA since 2019.

2Strengthened powers to fight illegal streaming

For the CSA, born in 1982 with the end of the State audiovisual monopoly, this means “an extension of the field of regulation and of our missions”, especially in the “fight against piracy since we are merging with (la) Hadopi”, explains Roch-Olivier Maistre.

In addition to the graduated response system against piracy, which consists of sending several warnings to an offending Internet user before the initiation of legal proceedings, the Arcom will adopt “a new approach” to counter illegal streaming platforms. With strengthened powers, the new body “will develop lists of illegal sites in conjunction with the rights holders”, who can “take legal action to have (these sites) banned from internet service providers”, explains Roch-Olivier Maistre. “We will no longer be obliged to go through formal notices”, welcomes the World Frédéric Delacroix, General Delegate of the Association for the Fight against Audiovisual Piracy (Alpa).

In the area of ​​sports piracy, which has been expanding rapidly in recent years, event organizers (major sports federations, audiovisual broadcasters) may for their part “take urgent legal action to block websites which illegally broadcast sporting events”, add Roch-Olivier Maistre.

3An extended regulatory perimeter

Arcom will also have subscription video platforms, social networks, and more generally online sites with at least 5 million unique visits per month, within its regulatory scope. No question of intervening on the content disseminated by the various operators, we warn the CSA, but the regulator ensures that the latter comply with their legal obligations.

“These platforms are required to respond to our requests. Otherwise they will be liable to a penalty of up to 6% of their worldwide turnover or 20 million euros.”

Roch-Olivier Maistre, president of the CSA

in the world”

Under his leadership, foreign video-on-demand (SVOD) service offers, i.e. American giants in the sector such as Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Disney + or Apple TV, have entered the French system for financing audiovisual works since the beginning of July. and cinematographic in the same way as the French players in the sector.

On the internet, Arcom will control the means put in place by online platforms – such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or YouTube – to fight against the manipulation of information or the dissemination of hateful content, but also to protect the youngest, in particular by enforcing the ban on access by minors to pornographic sites, a new mission set by law this summer .

4 Initial skills maintained

In addition to these additional competences, Arcom will continue to regulate the traditional media (radio, television) according to its initial roadmap, that is to say the law of 1986 aiming at the defense of the pluralism of the opinions or a fair representation of the company. “It is a regulator which will remain faithful to its principles”, to know “to be first and foremost the guarantor of freedom of communication, this is the first mission that the law gives us”, supports the president of the CSA and the Arcom, whose mandate will end in January 2025.

Arcom will have a lot to do in this presidential year and has already found itself at the center of criticism concerning Emmanuel Macron’s speaking time. Opponents of the head of state had notably castigated the prime time interview with the President of the Republic on TF1, a way of campaigning without saying it. “An important part around 75% the speaking time of the Head of State was counted under the political debate. From the 1st dayIn January, presumed or declared presidential candidates must be treated fairly. We will be very attentive to it “, answers them in The world Roch-Olivier Maistre.

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