From Saturday and for three days, the Zénith de Limoges is hosting the Exovision Symposium. A meeting to prepare for the arrival of the aliens.
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“Celestial encounters under hypnosis”, “new evidence of UFO phenomena”, “presence of star beings” : here is the program announced from Saturday March 16 to Monday March 18 in Limoges. More than 2,000 people are expected at the Zénith for the “Exovision Symposium”. A ufologist event, around extraterrestrials, organized by the NGO Alliances Célestes, which arouses strong reactions.
For 150 to 190 euros for three days, the event offers preparation for extraterrestrial encounters. Among the conference leaders, we find Jean-Jacques Charbonnier, around a conference entitled “Meetings of celestials in an altered state of consciousness”. “There are people who say they have been in contact with extraterrestrial worlds, justifies this former resuscitator anesthesiologist, who now offers hypnosis workshops. I understand that it could seem original, even far-fetched, but I am open to all possibilities.”
“Once again, Limoges will be the laughing stock of France”
A controversial figure, he was prosecuted by the council of the order of doctors and sentenced to a temporary ban on practicing medicine. But Jean-Jacques Charbonier denounces the blinders of scientists.
“I am above all a researcher and it is in this context that I received these famous returns from people. They said they had received information from extraterrestrial consciousness, which said that we were going straight into the wall and that it was urgent to change our behavior.”
Jean-Jacques Charbonnier, speakerat Franceinfo
“Once again, Limoges will be the laughing stock of Francereacts Thierry Miguel, vice-president of the Haute-Vienne department and leader of the opposition in Limoges. What shocks me a lot is the rise of fake news, the decline of reason with all these alternative truths that are built around it, this irrationalism which somewhat serves sectarian movements. Often it is the breeding ground, as we have seen in the United States, for right-wing extremism.”
Comparisons with “Scientology” and “the Raelian movement”
The Haute-Vienne prefecture has decided not to ban the event because it does not generate a risk of disturbance to public order. She also specifies that it is an NGO which organizes the event. The local authorities contacted also point out that everyone is free to believe in extraterrestrials. “Ufology is significant in the activities of certain sectarian movementsretorts Pascale Duval, director and spokesperson for Unadfi, an association for victims of sects. I will cite two very well-known ones: Scientology and the Raelian movement.”
These accusations are strongly rejected by the speakers interviewed. Alliances Célestes is not considered a sectarian movement. The NGO did not wish to respond to our requests ahead of the event.