Presidential election in Russia: a tense vote


Video length: 1 min

Presidential election in Russia: a tense vote

Presidential election in Russia: a tense vote


Second day of voting for the presidential election in Russia, Saturday March 16. The day before, the vote was marked by numerous acts of protest.

A polling station on fire in Moscow (Russia). A woman filmed the voting booth she set fire to on Friday, March 15, on the first day of voting. Another poured coloring into the urn. At least 13 people were arrested for damage. Despite these incidents, the Russian press agency claims that the participation rate already exceeds 36%. President and candidate Vladimir Putin voted via his computer. According to him, online voting is more secure in the face of fraud. It has also been established in the occupied Ukrainian territories.

Vladimir Putin should be re-elected

The outcome of the election should come as no surprise. Vladimir Putin should be re-elected against three puppet candidates. This election aims to confirm the loyalty of citizens to the Russian state. “These elections are to show that Vladimir Putin controls the entire system“, assures Florent Parmentier, researcher and geopolitologist. Russian voters are called to the polls until Sunday March 17.

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