Fish that fell from the sky in Texas

It was not the sky that fell on the heads of the people of Texarkana, Texas this week, but fishes, during an unusual weather event.

“2021 brings out all kinds of things … including a rain of fish in Texarkana [mercredi]. And no, it’s not a joke, ”the city wrote on its Facebook account, with photos to back it up.

According to the explanation provided by the municipality, “animal rain” is a phenomenon that can occur when small aquatic animals, such as frogs or fish, are washed away by rain or drafts.

An article from the Library of Congress has also confirmed this theory. “A tornado could descend towards the surface of the water, sucking objects and small animals into its whirlpool and causing them to rain elsewhere,” he argues.

This phenomenon would have been observed everywhere on the planet for several centuries, without having been precisely documented.

One of the residents of Texarkana notably told CNN that he found the event “pretty cool”, when he was going to collect small fallen fish to make bait for fishing.

Several residents have also shared on the city’s publication their findings recovered from their gardens after the downpours.

California would have already witnessed this phenomenon in 2017, when a hundred fish that fell from the sky were found on the site of an elementary school in Oroville, according to CNN.

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