We explain the controversy surrounding pro-Palestinian mobilization at Sciences Po Paris

The affair was invited to the Council of Ministers, mentioned by Emmanuel Macron himself. The President of the Republic denounced, Wednesday February 13, comments “unspeakable and completely intolerable” reported during a pro-Palestinian mobilization organized the day before at Sciences Po Paris. The Union of Jewish Students of France (UEJF) affirmed that young people belonging to the association were there “taken to task as Jews and Zionists”.

The management of the establishment, already in turmoil with the resignation of its director, referred to justice in a case of domestic violence, as well as the government, took legal action for acts of an anti-Semitic nature. Franceinfo summarizes this affair for you.

“Accusatory remarks” made during the occupation of an amphitheater

Tuesday morning, around a hundred students occupied the main amphitheater of Sciences Po in Paris, as part of a “day of European university mobilization for Palestine”. A student member of the Union of Jewish Students of France then “was prevented from accessing the amphitheater” where the action took place, and “accusatory remarks were made [à la tribune] against” of the student association, denounced Sciences Po on X.

“Don’t let her in, she’s a Zionist” : these are the comments denounced by the UEJF.

In The Parisian, the student concerned, who testifies anonymously, acknowledges not having heard the comments in question herself. “Someone told me that a participant had said: ‘Don’t let her in, she’s a Zionist!'”declares the 20-year-old young woman, who adds that she heard the organizers declare: “Be careful, there is the UEJF in the room!” She specifies that she was finally able to access the amphitheater, but did not stay there “only a few minutes” because “the atmosphere was too heavy.” “The person next to me got up to sit further away”supports the young woman.

The confrontation continued outside, during a pro-Palestinian demonstration in front of the school. “We called for ‘two peoples, two states’, they shouted ‘From the River to the Sea’ [slogan polémique des soutiens de la Palestine]further attests the UEJF onsupporting video.

Students who participated in the pro-Palestinian mobilization deny

Asked by AFP, a member of the Palestine Committee of Sciences Po refutes that the sentence “Don’t let her in, she’s a Zionist” has been pronounced. Other participants in the occupation, interviewed by France Télévisions, assure that these remarks were not made. The young woman would have been excluded for other reasons. “We already knew that she had filmed people from the Palestinian struggle and broadcast these images,” says a student. According to him, certain activists were harassed as a result of these actions.

In a press release, the Palestine Committee of the school also mentions individuals who “past harassed and intimidated other students about their political positions” and denounces “unfounded accusations of anti-Semitism from the far right”.

The affair spills over into the political-media sphere

The student controversy quickly took a political turn and made its way into the media’s morning news on Wednesday morning. Sylvain Maillard, head of the Renaissance deputies, called on Radio J, “the minister [de l’Enseignement supérieur] to take things in hand.” “Anti-Semitism is an offense in France. It’s extremely serious what happened.”, he added. Sébastien Chenu, vice-president of the National Rally, asked the management of Sciences Po to “pack up”, on CNews/Europe1.

In the Council of Ministers, the Head of State took up the matter. Emmanuel Macron “clearly and firmly reiterated its position: yes, university establishments are autonomous, but this autonomy in no way justifies the slightest beginning of separatism”reported government spokesperson Prisca Thevenot.

Onthe leader of La France insoumise, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, was surprised that the affair, which he describes “of a ridiculous incident”take such “national media scale”.

The management of the establishment and the government take legal action

After entering the disciplinary section “with a view to sanctioning these intolerable actions”the management of Sciences Po Paris went up a notch by announcing, Wednesday evening, refer the matter to the public prosecutor for acts of an anti-Semitic nature.”, “on the basis of a notification letter” of the UEJF regarding the events that occurred within the amphitheater.

This decision follows the visit of the Prime Minister in person. After an exchange with the board of directorsGabriel Attal declared that the government would also make a report to the public prosecutor. According to participants in this meeting, the head of government expressed his “very serious concern” and expressed his “determination” so that “extremely firm sanctions be taken”. “A red line has been crossed”Sylvie Retailleau, Minister of Higher Education, told franceinfo.

A climate of tension in the school since the start of the war between Israel and Hamas

In its press release published on X, the management of Sciences Po Paris observes that the school is “crossed by the conflict in the Middle East and its disastrous consequences on civilian populations” And “regrets a hardening of relations between its student communities and the establishment of an unacceptable deleterious climate”.

“What happened Tuesday was perhaps the culmination of months of discomfort for Jewish students [depuis le début la guerre entre Israël et le Hamas]“, says on franceinfo Salomé, student at Sciences Po Paris and activist at the UEJF. According to her, during lectures in the amphitheater, “the row is rather empty” next to Jewish students. And to denounce a “essentialization of students for their religious affiliation which is extremely serious”. “The discussions are going very difficult, because in reality, everyone wants to bring their point of view, without really hearing that of the other”explains another student to France Télévisions.

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