The Limoges public prosecutor is accused of sexist remarks towards female collaborators.
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The Minister of Justice requests on Tuesday March 12 that the Limoges public prosecutor Baptiste Porcher, accused of sexist remarks towards female collaborators, leaves his functions, in accordance with the opinion of the Superior Council of the Judiciary rendered Tuesday, we learned franceinfo from the Ministry of Justice.
The CSM proposed on Tuesday against the public prosecutor of Limoges the sanction of withdrawal from functions accompanied by an official displacement. “This opinion, consistent with that requested by the Minister of Justice, at the origin of the prosecution, serves as a reminder that inappropriate and sexist comments and behavior within the courts are unacceptable and cannot remain unanswered. In accordance with its practice constant, the Minister of Justice will follow this opinion of the CSM and will apply the proposed sanctions”details the ministry to franceinfo.
“Action in favor of gender equality and the fight against sexist violence, constant priorities of the Ministry of Justice, require daily exemplary behavior from all”details the Chancellery.