a decisive debate and vote in the National Assembly


Video length: 1 min

Aid to Ukraine: a decisive debate and vote in the National Assembly

The deputies of the National Assembly are preparing for an electric afternoon, with the vote in support of Ukraine provided for by the agreement co-signed by Volodymyr Zelensky and Emmanuel Macron in mid-February.

(France 2)

The deputies of the National Assembly are preparing for an electric afternoon, with the vote in support of Ukraine provided for by the agreement co-signed by Volodymyr Zelensky and Emmanuel Macron in mid-February.

Should we approve France’s support for Ukraine or not? Although the security agreement between the two countries has already been signed since mid-February, the vote on Tuesday February 12 in the National Assembly will allow elected officials to position themselves on this sensitive subject. And in particular on the 3 billion euros in additional aid to Ukraine, planned for this year in the agreement, an addition about which the French are wondering.

The position of the RN

In the hemicycle of the Palais Bourbon, who will vote for what at the end of the day? On the subject, the National Rally ended up deciding in the morning, after several days of hesitation. “The RN will abstain, to support Ukraine on the one hand and avoid escalation on the other”, said party president Jordan Bardella in 13 Heures. The communists and France Insoumise will vote against: “the agreement affirms the principle of supporting Ukraine’s entry into the European Union, we do not agree”notably justified Arnaud Le Gall, deputy for Val d’Oise.However, barring any surprises, MPs should largely support the text. All the parties in the presidential majority, but also the Republicans, the socialists and even the environmentalists have planned to vote for.

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