Dare to say no to a sad marriage! By Eveline Bouillon

Hello everyone and happy new year 2022 to all our listeners!

How lucky to be with you on this first day of the year.

And you know that the start of the year is conducive to good resolutions …

Yes indeed, it is a tradition to express wishes and decide on changes, however small they may be …

Last week, we launched a mailbox where listeners can share their fulfilled or future wishes. The goal is to inspire the listeners of France Bleu and to make the resolution to realize at least one dream in 2022.

Just send an email to [email protected] and tell what you want or what you wished and how it happened.

We will draw on the testimonies to nourish our pastille all the month of January.

Today a beautiful story caught our attention.

A young woman wrote to us that she had married young and devoted herself to her children but that she suffered in silence without really understanding why.

Last year she vowed to take charge of her life.

But how can we change and in what direction when we have not had diplomas and more professional experience for more than 10 years? In fact, she had an experience that was valuable and a taste for it: the education of children.

She offered her services in a day center on Wednesdays and in the school canteen.

It was already a big decision because, being of Judaic faith, he had to agree to put his children in the canteen and let them fend for themselves with meals that were not always suitable.

Thanks to this openness to the world of work, she was able to discuss with colleagues, and gradually realize that her couple had confined her to household chores.

Her marital relationship did not make her happy, they no longer spoke to each other. They argued a lot since the beginning of the marriage.

This kept her in total financial and emotional dependence without giving her the life she dreamed of.

The change came quickly with these different realizations. She writes that she felt like “emerging from a 10 year long nightmare”.

In less than a year she divorced and learned to live on her own. She built plans and left her depressed and defeatist state.

It is a beautiful story which may seem trivial but which shows a great vital energy on the part of a neglected young mother.

Why did you choose this sharing?

Because making resolutions often starts with small changes. If you set the bar too high, you can’t change your life. On the other hand, if we focus our attention every day on what we can change by taking small steps, we are much more likely to evolve.

And also because too many women are subjected to a family situation that does not suit them, because they feel powerless or out of love for their children, whereas daring to take control of their lives is possible …!

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