Jubillar affair: did the lover’s wife make 145 calls to a mysterious number … on the day Delphine disappeared?

Excluded in the legal case concerning Delphine Jubillar, the wife of his lover would have nevertheless had a very strange attitude at the time of his disappearance. According to information from The Dispatch, the young woman would have passed near 145 phone calls to an unknown number, between December 14, midnight and December 16 at 2 p.m. An avenue to be further explored for Cédric Jubillar’s lawyers.

In fact, according to an investigation revealed by The Parisian, the scans on his phone line would “highlighted the existence of 145 internet data consumptions“. It is therefore not necessarily calls but any type of action on the phone requiring an Internet connection such as consulting a mailbox, watching a video, sending or receiving written messages but also applications like WhatsApp, Messenger Where Snapchat for example.

In addition, it was underlined by the lawyers of Cédric Jubillar the strange behavior of this woman the day when she learned the infidelity of her husband. Indeed, she confided to having spent a completely normal evening with her husband when she had just learned a little earlier in the day of her affair with Delphine. “In the evening I prepared dinner. I saw him strum his phone then we went to bed. “she told investigators according to The Dispatch. A very calm reaction despite the legitimate anger she might have felt.

In addition, she revealed to have made a pact with Delphine that same day. That the nurse does not contact her husband anymore until the end of the year holidays. Pact quickly broken by Delphine Jubillar who sent texts to her lover that same evening as well as a selfie in a playsuit.

This woman has been doubly betrayed. (…) They make this kind of pact which will be immediately violated. It is a double betrayal. I’m not accusing him of anything, but I would have liked us to check“, explained the lawyer of Cédric Jubillar, master Jean-Baptiste Alary, to Current wife.

Cédric Jubillar remains presumed innocent of the facts with which he is accused until the final judgment of this case.

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