a further increase is expected in 2024


Video length: 2 min

Property tax: a further increase is expected in 2024

In 2024, the amount of property tax will increase further for French owners. A minimum increase of 3.9% is expected.


In 2024, the amount of property tax will increase further for French owners. A minimum increase of 3.9% is expected.

Bad news for the 34 million French owners. In 2024, their property taxes are expected to increase by at least 3.9%. Sometimes even more, since municipalities can adjust their rates. In Villeurbanne (Rhône), the property tax will increase by 10%. An explosion in tax that does not pass for some owners. “I feel like I’m just working to pay the bills.”, regrets a resident. Others, however, claim to be able to see the increase.

An increasingly expensive tax

Villeurbanne (Rhône), Nancy (Meurthe-et-Moselle), Molsheim (Bas-Rhin), Sceaux (Hauts-de-Seine) have announced increases in their property tax in 2024. Last year, the property tax had experienced a historic increase of at least 7.1%. This increase would be due to the elimination of the housing tax, according to the representative of the property owners. The property tax increases for each city will be known no later than April 15.

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