France “condemns” the launch of an Iranian rocket in “full progress” on nuclear power

In a statement released on Friday, the Foreign Ministry castigates Iran’s atittude, which it says contravenes “United Nations Security Council resolution 2231”.

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France has “sentenced” Friday, December 31, the launch the day before of a rocket by Tehran when negotiations on the Iranian nuclear program resumed. “France condemns this launch which is not in conformity with the resolution 2231 of the Security Council of the United Nations”, says French diplomacy in a press release. “These activities are all the more regrettable as they come at a time when we are making progress in the nuclear negotiations in Vienna.”

Iran said Thursday it launched a rocket carrying three space research devices into space. “Due to the close proximity of the technologies used for space launches and ballistic fire, this launch directly contributes to Iran’s already worrying progress in its ballistic missile program. The role of the Ministry of Defense in this launch testifies to the close link between these two programs “, estimates the Quai d’Orsay.

“This launch also follows the firing of ballistic missiles on December 24”, also not in accordance with resolution 2231 which “calls on Iran not to carry out activities related to ballistic missiles designed to be capable of carrying nuclear weapons”, he argues. “Iranian ballistics program is a source of concern for the international community”, adds the press release asking Iran “to respect its obligations (…), including those concerning transfers of arms and sensitive technologies”.

This rocket fire comes in the midst of talks to save the Vienna Accord. They were relaunched at the end of November, after a five-month hiatus, between Tehran and the countries still party to the pact (France, United Kingdom, Germany, Russia, China).

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