for Emmanuel Macron, the year 2022 will be “perhaps the year of exit from the epidemic”

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9:16 p.m. : That politics is nauseating … Without being on one side or the other, it should be appropriate for men or women who HOPE to come to business to remain in a certain courtesy and not with his aggressive and harmful words Believe – you, ladies and gentlemen, that you will grow up with his words !!! What a pity for our country to see such baseness.

9:11 p.m. : While we need unity, the presidential candidates only think about eating their liver (I’m not a macronist). They disgust me and don’t make me want to go and vote … Good and happy New Year

9:11 p.m. : Thank you, Mr. Chairman. finally we have a man at the helm. Continue for a new five-year term, we need you.

9:08 p.m. : The reactions are contrasted in the comments after the wishes of the Head of State and the reactions of the opposition.

9:00 p.m. : Delphine Batho, spokesperson for Yannick Jadot, the EELV presidential candidate, sees Emmanuel Macron’s wishes as a “tiresome conformism”.

8:48 p.m. : “It was Emmanuel Macron’s last greeting speech”, advance on Twitter Guilhem Carayon, spokesperson for Valérie Pécresse, LR presidential candidate.

8:44 p.m. : For Fabien Roussel, the PCF presidential candidate, Emmanuel Macron “is not vaccinated against disconnection. He lives in a parallel world”.

8:40 p.m. : After the wishes of the Head of State, the first reactions are not long. “You have just suffered the last false and pretentious wishes of Emmanuel Macron!, writes on Twitter Nicolas Dupont-Aignan presidential candidate and president of Debout La France.My wish: that it be the last time “, comments Jean-Luc Mélenchon, LFI presidential candidate.

8:40 p.m. : And here is, in video, all of Emmanuel Macron’s wishes.

8:28 p.m. : The Head of State also defended his record, his action, by multiplying the examples, “to the cavalcade”.

8:26 p.m. : On the presidential election, Emmanuel Macron did not announce his candidacy but said this: “Whatever my place and the circumstances, I will continue to serve you”.

8:22 p.m. : First assessment: Emmanuel Macron’s speech was not completely swallowed up by the pandemic but the Covid-19 still occupied a good part of the speech.

8:17 p.m. : It is with these words that Emmanuel Macron ended his speech, winking at the French presidency of the European Union which begins tomorrow.

8:15 p.m. : “Live our Europe, long live the Republic and long live France.”

8:11 p.m. : Emmanuel Macron says to himself “resolutely optimistic” for the coming year. He “wants to believe” than 2022 “will be the year of exit from the epidemic”.

8:07 p.m. : “First and foremost, I have a thought for our 123,000 compatriots who were killed by the virus”, said Emmanuel Macron in the introduction.

8:05 p.m. : “Vaccination is our greatest asset “, launches the President of the Republic. “I appeal to the five million unvaccinated. Make this simple gesture for yourself, for your compatriots”, says Emmanuel Macron.

8:03 p.m. : “We have the weapon of the vaccine on our side and the achievements of collective experience.”

8:02 p.m. : “The coming weeks will be difficult, we all know that”, says Emmanuel Macron.

8:01 p.m. : We learn that Emmanuel Macron’s wishes have been recorded. This should take about fifteen minutes.

8:00 p.m. : We will follow Emmanuel Macron’s wishes in three minutes. For his part, Jean Castex is on the ground this evening, with the soldiers, at Cochin hospital and in a fire station. Objective: to show its support for caregivers and the police responsible for ensuring the safety of New Year’s Eve and checks on health restrictions.

7:51 p.m. : Let’s make a new reminder of the main titles before Emmanuel Macron’s speech at 8 p.m.:

• Emmanuel Macron will send the French the last wishes of his mandate as president, at 8 p.m. His speech will be proactive and optimistic, despite the health situation which borders on “shit”, according to one of his friends. You can watch his speech on our live stream.

New record. According to figures released this evening by Public Health France, 232,200 new cases have been identified in the past 24 hours. This represents 141,291 cases per day on average over the last 7 days.

• New Year’s Eve under close surveillance. Some 95,000 police and gendarmes are mobilized in France, including 9,000 in Paris, for New Year’s Eve. They intend in particular to enforce the ban on spontaneous gatherings in the face of the surge in Covid-19 cases. Almost 3,200 soldiers from the Sentinel force were added to it.

• How to celebrate the transition to the New Year in such a tense health context? While Olivier Véran announced on Wednesday that more than a million French people were currently positive for Covid-19, some could be tempted to feast between infected people. Good idea ? Not so sure.

7:45 p.m. : The Elysee ensures that tonight’s speech will not be swallowed up by the health file. These wishes are also the last of the term for which Emmanuel Macron was elected in 2017. Every word from the outgoing president, who has not yet declared himself a candidate for the next presidential election, will therefore be scrutinized. “He has ants in his legs”, entrusts to franceinfo a relative, according to whom the current head of state keeps very remote the idea that these wishes can be the last.

7:43 p.m. : Emmanuel Macron presents his wishes in just under 20 minutes. The entourage of the Head of State assures Franceinfo that his speech will be proactive and optimistic, despite the health situation which borders on “shit”, according to one of his friends.

7:33 p.m. : Many changes will occur tomorrow. The minimum wage increases to 1,603.12 euros gross for 35 hours per week, which corresponds to a net salary of 1,269 euros, an increase of 11 euros compared to 2021. The price of the green stamp, for a mail distributed in 48 hours in mainland France, from 1.08 euro to 1.16 euro. That of the red stamp, for a priority letter, goes from 1.28 euros to 1.43 euros. Find the main news in our article.


7:00 p.m. : In New Caledonia, as on the whole of French territory, the police are massively deployed for this New Year’s Eve. The High Commissioner of the Republic, Patrice Faure, announces zero tolerance for traffic offenses on this New Year’s Eve. Nearly 1,000 police and gendarmes will be on the ground, report our colleagues from New Caledonia La 1ere.

7:13 p.m. : Part of France is already in 2022. With a 10-hour lag with the metropolis, New Caledonia has reached the milestone.

6:47 p.m. : All is not so bad. Yes Yes. In this article, we tell you about the 22 good news expected in 2022. And here we come back to 21 good news that (despite everything) marked the year 2021.


6:11 p.m. : It’s 6 p.m., let’s do another reminder of the main titles:

• At 8 pm, Emmanuel Macron will send the French the last wishes of his mandate as president. The entourage of the Head of State assures Franceinfo that his speech will be proactive and optimistic, despite the health situation which borders on “shit”, according to one of his friends. To hear other speeches, we have compiled in this article those of the main (declared) presidential candidates.

• New Year’s Eve under close surveillance. Some 95,000 police and gendarmes are mobilized in France, including 9,000 in Paris, for New Year’s Eve. They intend in particular to enforce the ban on spontaneous gatherings in the face of the surge in Covid-19 cases. Almost 3,200 soldiers from the Sentinel force were added to it.

• How to celebrate the transition to the New Year in such a tense health context? While Olivier Véran announced on Wednesday that more than a million French people were currently positive for Covid-19, some could be tempted to feast between infected people. Good idea ? Not so sure.

• France is renewing in 2022 the ban on the use of titanium dioxide in foodstuffs. Indicated on the labels by TiO2 or E171, this white powder is mainly used as a coloring agent to whiten or intensify the shine of food products (confectionery, pastries, ready meals).

5:59 p.m. : “Good year !” Tonight you will surely cast those same two prophetic words once more. But after a still tumultuous year 2021, it is not easy to find a glimmer of hope in the new vintage that is coming. So, I unearthed 22 good news for the year 2022. Find out in this article!


5:46 p.m. : Sunset in Savoy. Happy New Years Eve everyone and be careful. Thanks FI for all your news and sharing. Hopefully 2022 will bring more joy!

5:46 p.m. : Last sunset of 2021 over the Bay of Saint-Brieuc. Happy Holidays to all !

5:59 p.m. : At least the last sunset in 2021 is a bit successful. It’s already that !

6:10 p.m. : I receive in the comments new photos of sunsets, the last of the year. Thank you for reading and writing to us.

5:24 p.m. : On the banks of the Doubs, here is the last sunset in 2021 … Happy birthday to you all.

5:24 p.m. : The last sunset of the year in Les Sables-d’Olonne.

5:21 p.m. : The sun is declining … Thank you to those who share photos of the last sunset in 2021.

5:15 p.m. : For New Year’s Eve, Harry Potter fans will have the pleasure of meeting the actors of the eight films in a special program called “Return to Hogwarts”. This show celebrates the 20th anniversary of the first film Harry potter and the sorcerer’s stone. It will be available in France on Salto from tomorrow at 9:30 am.


4:29 p.m. : December 31st is often the occasion to party all night long. But this year, it will be complicated: nightclubs, closed since December 10, will remain so until the end of January and gatherings are prohibited in many departments. At least in theory, because some establishments manage to remain open, despite the ban. This is what we illustrate with this report in a dance bar in Paris.

4:13 p.m. : Hello @Kyotojin! Thank you for thinking of us. I also wish you a happy new year!

4:18 p.m. : Hello and happy new year from Kyoto, where we just passed in 2022!

4:07 p.m. : Nathan Helo, the chef of the restaurant “Dupin” in Paris, offers you some menu ideas for New Years Eve. Its recipes can be found in detail here.

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