anti-Semitic attack on a 62-year-old man


Video length: 2 min

Paris: anti-Semitic attack on a 62-year-old man

An anti-Semitic attack took place in Paris on Friday March 1. A sixty-year-old leaving a synagogue was beaten and insulted.


An anti-Semitic attack took place in Paris on Friday March 1. A sixty-year-old leaving a synagogue was beaten and insulted.

An anti-Semitic attack against a 62-year-old man took place in the Saint-Blaise district, in the 20th arrondissement of Paris, Friday March 1. The sixty-year-old was wearing a kippah and was leaving the synagogue when a man punched him and made him fall to the ground. The attacker allegedly uttered anti-Semitic insults. “It shocked me, because we never had any problems with our synagogue“, confides a woman.

Reinforced security outside Jewish places of worship

The man born in 1962 was taken to hospital. The perpetrator fled. The attack is incomprehensible to the mayor. “It represents a rise in intolerance that must be monitored. We are extremely, with the municipal and national police, to ensure that any feedback is taken care of, and obviously to seek out the culprit for this attack.“, he assures. A few hours earlier, Gérald Darmanin had asked for security to be reinforced in front of Jewish places of worship.

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