“Conflicts all the time, all the time”, Pierre Garnier (“Star Academy”), his focus on the adventure

The eleventh season of the star Academy will undoubtedly remain in the annals of the program. If season 10 of the program, which marked its relaunch after fourteen years of absence, surprised and pleased, it nevertheless remains incomparable to the buzz generated by this last season. Completed on February 4 with the victory of Pierre Garnier, it allowed 13 young adults to meet and establish real bonds of friendship. In three months, all the candidates remained natural, caring, and never argued. A good atmosphere and kindness which the viewers highlighted and applauded, and who greatly appreciated as Pierre explained to Mouloud Achour in Click.

Guest of the show broadcast on Canal+ this Monday February 26, 2024, Pierre, who is a hit with already nearly 16 million streams for his hit Those we were
certified gold in just three weeks (a historic record for a French variety single), returned to this good atmosphere, and is pleased to have been in the casting of a simple season, made up of people as simple as him , who were not looking for buzz or notoriety, and who simply wanted to make nice connections, have a great adventure and play music: “(We were) simple people, who (had) just wanted to do their passion and who (did) it together, I think that’s cool”he explained.

A magnitude that they had not premeditated

Pierre Garnier recognized that the success of this 11th season of the star Academy

surprised everyone, and him first. He had to wait for the grand finale to understand the enthusiasm of this season, incomparable to that of the previous one, where many candidates did not have any chemistry: “It’s true that it took off this year, and as a result, having seen what was there last year, we didn’t expect it. Personally, I think that it’s is our side to have been benevolent from the start, which is different when we watch TV, we always have (…) a bit of this unhealthy desire to see people arguing, to see clashes. And in fact, we took this thing a bit on the wrong foot. And I think it’s this novelty that people liked.

Two elders invite themselves to the party

Viewers and fans of the star Academy will now be able to meet their favorite students for the tour, which begins in a few days. Louis Albi and Anisha Jo, from the previous promo, will provide the opening actsand Julien Lieb, Pierre Garnier, Héléna Bailly, Axel Marbeuf, Lénie Ficara, Candice Vernier and Djebril Slatni will be performing for more than three months. Their adventures will also be found on TF1+ in a new deviceas journalist Clément Garin revealed on X: “Did you miss them? They’re already back! The Star Academy is already back on TF1. During the entire tour which begins next week, TF1 will offer a 15-minute daily of the adventures of Axel, Lénie, Djebril, Candice, Pierre , Julien and Héléna on TF1Plus” he revealed. We look forward !

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