five former students join Yanis Marshall and accuse the ex-juror of “Popstars” of sexual assault

A month ago, Yanis Marshall publicly denounced acts of rape attributed to the choreographer Bruno Vandelli, and filed a complaint against the latter for alleged acts suffered when he was 14 years old. Since then, the professor of star Academy claimed in numerous Instagram stories to have collected other testimonies. This Thursday, February 29, 2024, our colleagues from Parisian deliver an edifying investigation, to which five men contributed, who corroborate the chilling story of Yanis Marshall. All claim to have been students of Bruno Vandelli, and having been sexually abused by the latter.

One of them did not hesitate to publicly denounce the choreographer in front of around thirty people a few days ago. The young teenager stood up in the middle of the assembly, took a handwritten letter from his pocket, and read it aloud. As our colleagues reveal, the young man targets text messages “pervert” and training during which the ex-juror of Popstars

would have “rubbed his penis against him”. A teacher of the young man supports him in his approach, and overwhelms his colleague: “He told him that he had broken the child he was. All the respect I had for Bruno Vandelli disappeared in a snap of his fingers. I felt nauseous for two days” shoot the dancer.

The young man’s courageous speaking out has serious repercussions. Bruno Vandelli’s school, which bears his name, is facing numerous resignations from teachers, who refuse to continue working for the choreographer. The young man has since filed a complaint, with the support of his mother. Information that the Grasse public prosecutor’s office (Alpes-Maritimes) confirmed Parisian.He promises you solos, internships, a career; but if you refuse his advances, you no longer exist praises the teenager today, relieved to have “freed from this man who abuses his power”.

He will be tried on April 17 in another case

Here again, Bruno Vandelli defends himself against any deviant behavior and any serious comments. In a letter addressed to all parents of students at the academy, he claims to be the victim of a conspiracy and of dishonest comments taken out of context: “I am traumatized (by these) totally monstrous words, used in front of games. I educate dancers over three generations in Cannes (and I have) never had a single problem in twenty-five years” he said, arguing “(be) a pacifist, not a bandit“. The discomfort remains and Bruno Vandelli has since withdrawn from the school he oversees.

But the accusations are piling up. A third young man in turn accuses the choreographer, and claims that he sent him, without his consent and when he was only 15 years old, pornographic videos. A complaint was filed by the man, now 23 years old. Bruno Vandelli will be tried on April 17 before the Grasse criminal court for “corruption of a minor”. But here again, Bruno Vandelli claims to be innocent: “I have never dated this person”. And his lawyer, Me Joseph Cohen-Sabban, minimizes the facts alleged against his client: “If he showed her a sex video, it’s worthless”.

An identical operating procedure according to the plaintiffs

Christophe, Marc, John and Benjamin are so many other people with first names modified by The Parisian who claim to have also been “victims” by Bruno Vandelli. All prefer anonymity, fearing repercussions in their artistic careers. One of them attacks: “As soon as Vandelli sees a cute little boy, he spots him and doesn’t let go.” Another denounces ten years spent under the influence of his teacher and assures that Bruno Vandelli uses a “mode of operation” identical for each of his declared victims. He ensures that the students favored by Bruno Vandelli are elevated to the forefront, and the others are depreciated and placed in the background: “They are flattered to be chosen. They then become its prey”.

Christophe points to a text message that Bruno Vandelli sent him when he was twelve years old. Injured in the adductors, victim of a tear, the young man is bedridden and must undergo home care. Bruno Vandelli sends him an SMS: “His text message said: I would have liked to be your nurse to treat your crotch”. Christophe claims that many other obscene SMS messages will follow, such as “Want to join me in my room?” Marc has kept a series of SMS messages sent to him by Bruno Vandelli, and which our colleagues have read: on these, the choreographer addresses the teenager then aged 15, telling him “You’re so cute, really. That beautiful look, and even more…”

“This makes me sick!”

Bruno Vandelli’s lawyer, questioned by The Parisian on all the chilling stories collected, assures “defend a good guy who is getting smashed” : In people’s eyes, my client has already been tried and sentenced. It’s very sad. The person concerned also wanted to respond to all these new accusations, which he strives to contest with the greatest firmness: “It’s false! First of all, I don’t teach children, my youngest students are 15 or 16 years old. Then, when I hear some describe me as a pedophile, it makes me sick! Me who has been teaching for 45 years, if I was violent it would be known. I am a fundamentally kind person”. For now, two complaints have been filed against Bruno Vandelli, in addition to the case for which he will appear next April. He remains presumed innocent of all the facts attributed to him..

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