“It’s not true, it’s sad”, a former columnist for Laurent Bignolas (Télématin) denounces his big lie

Isabelle Chalençon
Laurent Bignolas
have long teamed up on the set of
However, the cordial understanding displayed on the air did not seem to reflect the reality behind the scenes. Guest of Jordan De Luxe on the set of At Jordan’s this Tuesday, February 27, 2024, the older sister of Pierre-Jean-Chalençon indeed returned to the atmosphere that reigned within the team. The opportunity for the ex-fashion columnist to react to the words of her former boss.

“I was immediately pushed as the scapegoat for discontent […] I took buckets of shit in my mouth”, he himself confided on C8 before talking about the columnists who “were not happy with their lot.” “I was the one responsible, roughly speaking it was because of me that there was this change in their lives.”

And to continue, seeing a photo of Isabelle Chalençon appear behind him: She asked me lots of questions on a human, personal and salary level. She started to ask for a lot of things, compensation,… I told her to turn to someone else and do her file this way and then…” Words which obviously did not please the person concerned who assures that none of this is true.

Also see: “The worst of the two”, Patrick Bruel without concession on Jean-Jacques Goldman and Francis Cabrel

“I was suing the channel”

“It’s sad… It’s true that I was asked to redesign it. He didn’t really like fashion or luxury., I have columns that have skipped. It depended on the host, but for me it was important since I was paid per column. I didn’t like it because my work is a work of passion.”confided Isabelle Chalençon on Channel 8.

“I just spoke to him when he arrived because he was a CGT delegate so I went to see him to inform him and tell him that I was suing the channel. I just told him: ‘It would be although you defend us so that we obtain a permanent contract and that I get my salary back. I paid for my phone, I had a computer, I worked from home…”, she added.

Isabelle Chalençon also denounced salary inequalities within the editorial staff. An editorial team that she ended up leaving after a long and painful depression.


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