the big rant of Inès Reg who calls out to Emmanuel Macron!

Monday, December 27, Jean Castex announced new restrictive measures to counter the spread of the Omicron variant. From January 3, 2022 and for 3 weeks, the gauges will be restored for major events, ie 2,000 people indoors, 5,000 people outdoors. Standing concerts will now be prohibited. In cafes and bars, standing consumption will be prohibited. In certain places such as cinemas, theaters, sports facilities, public transport (including long distance), the consumption of drinks and food will also be prohibited. A decision which obviously impacts the world of culture and artists.

And many of them, since those announcements, are making unfortunate decisions. Rapper Orelsan will notably have to cancel the first dates of his tour. Invited the day after the government announcements on the program “Appoline Matin” broadcast on RMC, Angelo Gopée, director of Live Nation France announced this news which must greatly sadden the singer’s fans.

Benjamin Biolay had to resolve to his concerts. An announcement made by the singer himself on the Web. “I’m sorry to tell you, but the following four concerts are canceled (there will be no postponement): Caen, Dijon, Rouen and Clermont-Ferrand. Do not hesitate to contact Décibel for reimbursement“, expressed the former companion of Chiara Mastroianni.

And if the cancellations rain, the rants pour out with the same intensity. Thursday, December 30, it is the comedian Inès Reg who rose up from his Instagram account. “Emmanuel Macron, you are right to leave the meetings without gauge and without pass control, since you are the real comedians!“, hammered the young woman from a story. Indeed, in the middle of the presidential campaign, the meetings of activists are not currently impacted as such. What to cringe the artists who are them in the eye of the storm pandemic.

To see also: “A good blow of club”: the bad news announced by Lolita Séchan, the daughter of Renaud

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