energy drinks, a public health problem


Video length: 2 min

Spain: energy drinks, a public health problem

Excessively consumed by young Spaniards, energy drinks are the subject of particular attention. In Galicia, a bill should prohibit their sale to minors. – (franceinfo)

Excessively consumed by young Spaniards, energy drinks are the subject of particular attention. In Galicia, a bill should prohibit their sale to minors.

Energy drinks are increasingly consumed by young people. In Spain, 40% of adolescents say they drink it at least once a month. In a high school in Santiago de Compostela (Spain), workshops are organized to do prevention. Rosa Alvarez has been discussing the subject of addictions with high school students for several years. The objective is to make these 15-year-old students aware of the risks to their health. “When we consume energy drinks, it affects our neurons and our brain. It’s a serious thing”she explains.

Prohibited to minors

A speech that seems to work. “I discovered that energy drinks are dangerous for young people, because our brains are still fully developing”, indicates a high school student. In Spain, this consumption of energy drinks has become a public health problem. Faced with this phenomenon of addiction, Galicia has drawn up a bill to prohibit the sale of these drinks to under 18s. A first in the country. “The main objective of this law is the protection of the health of minors, but also the prevention of addictive behavior,” explains Jaime Fraga, head of department at the Ministry of Health of the Galician government.

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