“Victory is in your hands, Europeans,” asserts the vice-president of Ukrainian students



Video length: 13 min

War in Ukraine: “Victory is in your hands, Europeans”, asserts the vice-president of Ukrainian students

Volodymyr Kogutyak, vice-president of Ukrainian students, and director Michel Hazanavicius, also ambassador of the United24 program, are the guests of 19/20 info, Sunday February 25. They shed their light on the conflict, as Ukraine enters a third year of war. – (franceinfo)

Volodymyr Kogutyak, vice-president of Ukrainian students, and director Michel Hazanavicius, also ambassador of the United24 program, are the guests of 19/20 info, Sunday February 25. They shed their light on the conflict, as Ukraine enters a third year of war.

Ukraine enters its third year of war. “We knew it was going to last, reacts the vice-president of Ukrainian students, Volodymyr Kogutyak, on the set of 19/20 info. First of all, because the war in Ukraine started in 2013, 2014, with the annexation of Crimea and the war in eastern Ukraine. Then we fight Russia, the largest territory in the world. We knew it wasn’t going to end overnight.”.

Vladimir Putin had however promised an express war. “Ukraine continues to resist, and will continue to resist. The whole question that arises (…) is that victory is in your hands, the Europeans, the Americans, since the ‘Ukraine will not be able to resist alone’assures Volodymyr Kogutyak, echoing the remarks made earlier by Volodymy Zelensky during his press conference.

Michel Hazanavicius would like France to “position itself in relation to Russia”

Michel Hazanavicius, director and ambassador of the United24 program, is very committed to Ukraine, a country to which he has visited several times since the start of the conflict.

He also insists on the role of Europe. “Our aid at the national level must go furtherhe believes. Not only must we position ourselves in relation to Ukraine, but we must also position ourselves in relation to Russia in a very clear manner. We froze assets (…), in fact we should use this money. For the moment it is frozen as if we were going to give it back to them one day, but we can use these 300 billion euros. This is an amount that would be interesting to use in this conflict.”

source site-25
