floor prices, a solution for better income?


Video length: 2 min

Agriculture: floor prices, a solution for better incomes?

Agriculture: floor prices, a solution for better incomes? – (France 2)

To respond to the anger of farmers, Emmanuel Macron made several announcements on Saturday February 24. Among these, the floor price to protect agricultural income. Around this idea, many questions hover: elements of answers.

Long weeks to take care of his 190 cows and income not always there: for Alexis Picarougne, cattle breeder, the proposal of a floor price would be welcome. “If we compare the remuneration we receive to working hours, we are indeed not at the national average compared to other professions”he laments.

A floor price, how does it work?

The floor price constitutes a minimum price, sector by sector, which includes production costs. This is a long-standing demand of the Peasant Confederation. Member of the latter, Laurence Marandola explains: “It’s the cost of production: paying our expenses, our suppliers, but it’s also the remuneration for our work. There is no reason to work for free, I think everyone can understand that.” Faced with this project, fears remain, in particular for Jérôme Despey, first vice-president of the FNSEA: “this minimum price should not be a ceiling price for farmers’ income”he testifies.

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