Bruno Le Maire announces ten billion euros in savings



Video length: 2 min

State spending: Bruno Le Maire announces ten billion euros in savings

Bruno Le Maire, Minister of the Economy, announces 10 billion euros in immediate savings. Half concerns the operating budget of ministries, and the other half concerns public finances. – (France 3)

Bruno Le Maire, Minister of the Economy, announces 10 billion euros in immediate savings. Half concerns the operating budget of ministries, and the other half concerns public finances.

Bercy revises its 2024 forecasts, citing a complicated international context. The Minister of the Economy, Finance and Industrial and Digital Sovereignty, Bruno Le Maire, therefore announces 10 billion euros in immediate savings, half of which will be on the operating budget of the ministries. On the program, 20% less travel costs, and savings on purchases and office space for ministries. Bercy is also reducing its personnel costs.

The fear of being downgraded by rating agencies

Second part of savings: 5 billion euros on public finances, without ever increasing taxes, promises Bercy. Then, a fixed contribution will be taken from the personal training account, with 200 million euros at stake. The budget devoted to the MaPrimeRénov’ system will be reduced by one billion euros. Measures with immediate effect, but which will not be enough, according to certain economists. If it does not manage to get out of debt sufficiently, France fears being downgraded by the rating agencies next spring.

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